Britain is building a powerful cryobattery that will store energy in the form of liquefied air

In the UK, a new project is gaining momentum, which promises to be the largest energy storage system in Europe. This is Highview Power's 250 MWh CRYOBattery complex, which uses cryogenic technologies to convert air into a liquid that can store and release energy over time.


CRYOBattery will be built near Manchester. The system will capture ambient air, compress it and cool it down to ultra-low temperatures of -196 ° C. Under these conditions, air becomes liquid and can be stored in insulated low pressure tanks. When energy is required, the liquid heats up and quickly turns into gas. The rapid expansion of the gas allows turbines to spin and generate electricity. The technology is easily scalable and the system is much more durable than traditional batteries.

Highview Power has already built two demonstration units in the UK, but the upcoming 50 MW / 250 MWh facility at Carrington Village near Manchester will be the largest of them all. The project has already received a £ 10 million grant from the government. In addition to the installation itself, it covers the construction of a nearby visitor center. Work is already underway and the visit center is due to open in the first quarter of 2021. The CRYOBattery itself is due to go into commercial operation in 2023, its estimated capacity will be enough to power 50,000 homes for five hours.